My Deepest Intention is that your Voice gives you WINGS

Singing for women seeking a holistic, expansive way to grow through the voice

Coaching for women who desire to express their needs and desires, make friends with their emotional life, and experience more freedom in their self-expression

Here at Kristin the Voice Witch

we use 3 Primary Avenues to

create transformation through your voice:

  • Singing Lessons

    Developing your singing voice in a 1-on-one setting is a powerful, embodied way to develop greater confidence and wholeness in your self-expression.

  • Coaching

    Coaching with me often involves a specific focus on voice and self-expression. Coaching gives you the tools to disrupt unwanted patterns. You gain greater capacity to hear yourself. You develop the skills and confidence to become more visible and make your voice heard.

  • Ritual and Magic

    Awaken Your Inner Magic and enlist the support of Spirit through Oracle Card draws, Wisdom Oracle Readings, and custom-designed Ritual Ceremony.

    These offerings can be incorporated into coaching packages or booked as one-off sessions.

  • Sara Fisk, Arizona

    “The idea of singing in front of other people was terrifying to me. Working with Kristin, I grew in my willingness to take risks and sing in front of other people. It’s already had a ripple effect – when I sang for a group of clients while feeling scared, I inspired one of them to take a big risk into the unknown.

    My voice really opened up, like a literal singing “channel” was created. And, I had recorded several episodes of a new podcast and sat on it for a year, stuck in perfectionism. My work with Kristin gave me the permission to get my podcast out into the world in a way that felt organic and good to me. Kristin is such a gifted teacher and mentor!” ~Sara Fisk, Arizona

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